Wednesday 18 January 2012

Change of Date....

To all your gorgeous Mercy&Pearlers....we've got a change of date to announce!

Sorry to create chaos in your diary, but we have had a fabulous opportunity presented to us, which we can't ignore, courtesy of the ArtsDepot in North Finchley.

We have loved doing our Friday morning monthly markets, but we've been hankering after a weekend slot, and we've got it! April 1st (no joke) will be our first Sunday market, situated at our trusty ArtsDepot location.  

We're working through the mechanics now, but we hope to be able to offer a bigger and better market with more experiences to delights to here and our FB page for updates.

With this news we felt we'd give our sellers and new sellers time to furiously produce more wonderful things, and give them February off.  So, the February Market is moving to April.

We're also rather fond of small gatherings so we'll be posting info about some intimate pop up events we are hosting....again, watch our FB page and this lovely blog.



  1. Hoping to be be there with you on the 1st! Sunday market is going to be so exciting

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